Saturday, August 25, 2007

Photoshop-Vignette or Burnt-In Edge

If you want to add a classic effect on your photo, this is an easy technique that will surely help you to achieve that classic effect you want.

Here are the steps:

1. Open your photo, then click on the Add New Adjustment Layer, and choose Curves. Click on the top-right end of the curve and drag it straight down, darkening the photo. Output number will likely range from 10-15. Click Ok.

2. Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool, make a selection that leaves a border around the edges.

3. Click on the Curves Layer Mask Thumbnail and fill the selection with black.

4. From the Filter menu, choose Blur>Gaussian Blur. Choose the value that gives you the level of softness you want. click Ok.

5. Lower the opacity adjustment to make the effect less obvious.

6. Use Free transform to adjust the size of the layer mask to your liking.

The Vignette is not limited to rectangular marquee tool. You can use different variations, filled them with black on the layer mask, then used a Gaussian Blur.

Here's the final result:

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