Tuesday, August 28, 2007

What is "Lurking"?

I went to my friends house to help her create her new blog. Then she ask me this question. "What is lurking?" She told me that someone she knows told her that lurking is bad.

Most new blogger do not understand yet this term. Lurking is term used to define the action of just reading or viewing the blog without leaving a comment after. This is not new to bloggers. You will notice that the longer your blog is out there, you will have more visitors than comments.

These people do not like to leave comments, others are just going from place to place surfing around, while others feel like they have nothing to add or to comment about.

This is not rude but bloggers would love to receive comments from their readers. Comments that will boost or give us energy to write more. A little or short comment will make a blogger happy.

But if some of your visitors does not leave a comment, do not take it personally. It is just normal.

So if you view other people's blog, try to leave a comment. Short and little words can make big things and long relationships.

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